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Webinar Series 4: Services and Support for Community Living
October 30, 2020, 12:30-2:00PM
Title: Review of the Five Long Term Services and Support Stakeholder Committee Recommendations for the Governor’s Master Plan for Aging
In its May 2020 report the LTSS Subcommittee affirmed the importance of equity in addressing the LTSS needs of older adults and people with disabilities with specific recommendations to eliminate disparities and increase equity, accessibility, and affordability in the LTSS system.
These recommendations addressed five specific areas of need. They are:
1. A system that all Californians can easily navigate
2. Access to LTSS in every community
3. Affordable LTSS choices
4 Highly valued, high-quality workforce
5. Streamlined state and local administrative structures.
In this webinar members of the LTSS subcommittee will review these recommendations in detail. There will be opportunity for you to submit your questions directly to the committee members,
Kristina Bas Hamilton, Legislative Director, United Domestic Workers/AFSCME Local 3930
Catherine Blackmore, Disability Rights California
Susan DeMarois, Director of Public Policy, Alzheimer’s Association
Lydia Missaelides, MHA, Executive Director of the Alliance for Leadership and Education
10-30-20 ADRC Webinar LTSS MPA Subcommittee
November 6, 2020, 12:30-2:00PM
Title: How to make Livable Communities a reality
What does an age and disability friendly community look like? What are the considerations for urban and rural communities? What do your local elected officials planners, organizations and community volunteers need to know? Here are just a few examples of what makes a community welcoming and accessible to people of all ages and abilities:
1. Outdoor areas and public buildings are pleasant, safe and accessible.
2. Housing is affordable, and well designed for people with disabilities and older adults.
3. Roads and walkways are accessible and kept in good condition.
4. Public transportation is affordable and accessible.
5. Neighborhoods are safe
6. Health and community support services are available
7. Opportunities for people with disabilities and older adults to be socially active exist.
8. People with disabilities and older adults can take part in volunteer, political, and employment positions
9. Information is easy to find and easy to understand
There is more!!
Join disability and aging advocates for an overview of the planning process and how you can make this a reality in our communities now.
Julie Bates PhD Gerontologist, Associate State Director, AARP
11-06-20 Network of Age Friendly Comunities_