Conference Agenda Presenters Sponsors Contact
Webinar Series 1: Emergency Preparedness – September 4th & 11th
September 4, 2020, 12:30-2:00PM
Title: Wildfires in a Covid-19 Environment
Wildfire season is here! L. Vance Taylor and Roxiey Crawford will discuss the 2020 wildfire season and potential impacts due to the COVID-19 pandemic. You will hear what the California Office of Emergency Services and FEMA is doing to prepare. The webinar will cover issues related to notifications, sheltering, and transportation.
L. Vance Taylor, Chief, Office of Access and Functional Needs, California Governor’s Office Of Emergency Services
Roxanne (Roxiey) Crawford, Disability Integration Specialist, FEMA Area IX
2020 Conference Wildfires in a COVID-19 Environment FINAL
September 11, 2020, 12:30-2:00PM
Title: 2020 California Public Safety Power Shut-offs
This webinar will focus on planning for the 2020 California Public Safety Power Shut-offs (PSPS). It will include stories from the 2019 PSPS events in California, barriers experienced, coordination across public and private agencies, and effective strategies that we can implement as a community and personally to be better prepared. Working together as individuals to build a resilient community that keeps each other safe, aware, engaged and informed is a part of how we need to plan for the future. Learn how the California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC) and FREED are partnering with other stakeholders across the state to support people with disabilities and older adults in 2020.
Christina Mills, Executive Director, California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC)
Ana Acton, Executive Director, FREED Center for Independent Living
ADRC Conference Webinar PSPS 2020 FINAL