“Laughter is the shortest distance between two people, and comedy is a beautiful way to educate people without disabilities. When we laugh together we can find our commonalities.” ~Michael Beers, comedian

FREED presents Comedians with Disabilities!

When: Wednesday, October 16th at 7:00 PM
Where: Center for the Arts, 314 W. Main St, Grass Valley
Why: A benefit for FREED programs and services.

Comedians with Disabilities is a fabulous collection of comedians with disabilities, both seen and unseen, who share their humor and personal experiences. Overall, the tour is designed to bring authentic and traditionally unheard voices to the forefront. We look forward to hosting this hilarious show as an opportunity to showcase disabled talent and create connections in our community.

Here’s where you come in…

Sponsorships make this event possible, from covering the cost of the comedians travel and lodging, space rental fees, printing, and all the other unseen costs of making a successful show happen.

Pay It Forward Tickets help bring less resourced members of our community to the performance.

You can become an event sponsor, purchase Pay It Forward Tickets, or both, using the form below.

All sponsorships and Pay It Forward Tickets are tax-deductible donations. Thank you for your support of FREED!

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