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Welcome to Our Community – Aging and Disability Resource Webinar Series
August 21, 2020
Title: Kick-off Session! Master Plan for Aging & Disability in Covid-19
Ana Acton, Executive Director, FREED Center for Independent Living
Pam Miller, Executive Director, Agency on Aging Area 4
Welcome to the kick-off event for the Our Community Aging & Disability Conference webinar series! to This workshop will bring together local and statewide leaders in the aging and disability movements with a focus on 2020 and the Master Plan on Aging and 30th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, all while in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic.
We know the aging population is expected to grow and that 1 in 5 people in California have some type of disability. How do we plan for this? How do we create equity and justice for people with disabilities and older adults?
The Master Plan on Aging was driven by California’s growing older adult population and people with disabilities of all ages who need access to services and supports to work, play, and live in their community of choice. The Master Plan on Aging includes a diverse array of stakeholders working together to craft a long-term strategy that will build a more inclusive, age- and disability-friendly California.
The Master Plan on Aging focus on four areas to support older adults and people with disabilities including services and supports, livable communities and purpose, health and wellbeing, and economic security and safety. These goals are directly related to the issues that the Our Community” Aging & Disability Conference will be covering through a series of webinars over the next 4 months.
COVID-19 pandemic fundamentally altered California lives, disproportionately impacting older adults and people with disabilities. Across the state and locally, COVID-19 is highlighting and exacerbating issues that people with disabilities and older adults have been experiencing for many years. During COVID-19, we are seeing is putting a spotlight on access to food and nutrition, the Digital Divide and lack of technology and internet to access virtual goods and services, deep depression and isolation, and the need for expansion and flexibility on how long term services and supports are provided.
This workshop will bring together State and local leaders to discuss how we engage aging and disability sectors on the local and State level for comprehensive system-wide planning.
Panel Members:
Joe Xavier, Director , California Department of Rehabilitation
Kim McCoy Wade, Director, California Department of Aging
Karol Swarzlander, Director, California Commission on Aging
Jan Arbuckle, Grass Valley City Council Member
William Reed, District Vice President, United Domestic Workers
Webinar Slides:
2020 Conference - Kickoff Event - PDF