FREED is actively working with Aging & Disability Resource Connection community partners to support older adults and people with disabilities during the COVID-19 stay at home orders.

If you need service and supports including access to food and basic needs, contact:

FREED programs that might be useful during this time include the Phone Reassurance and new Friendly Delivery Services.

Phone Reassurance Program

This program provides phone calls on a regular schedule to individuals who are isolated, would like someone to check on them or, would like to just talk to someone.  FREED coordinates a fantastic group of volunteers who make these calls. If you would like Phone Reassurance service contact Deirdre at (530) 477-3333, Ex. 201 or

Friendly Home Delivery Service

Gold Country Community Services, Nevada County Foodbank, Interfaith Food Ministries, and FREED are partnering to identify seniors, people with disabilities, and individual’s with chronic health conditions who need support with home delivered groceries due to COVID-19 self-isolation or self-quarantine.

FREED is also coordinating home delivery of other essential items such as prescriptions, personal care items, or other health and safety related needs for seniors, people with disabilities, and individual’s with chronic health conditions who need support with home delivery due to COVID-19 self-isolation or self-quarantine. Individuals needing services can contact Dierdre at (530) 477-3333, Ex. 201 or

This program is designed to meet an un-met need for individuals who cannot otherwise access basic needs during this time. All other resources should be explored before making a referral such as if the person can order online or pay for delivery services already available.

Senior Grocery Bag Program - outreach flyer
ENG 11x17 - Listos California Tips for Public Health Emergencies